Wednesday, November 19, 2014

New Changes In Content

As i've been pondering and praying lately i've realized something. This blog is not for my mind-body studies to be fleshed out and exposed as correlating with the gospel. This is a venue for sharing the truth, pure and undefiled before God, testifying of Christ and His gospel and what i'm learning as i pray for, and seek Eternal Life.

For those of you who were excited by the prospects of me teaching about Yoga, India, The Holy Ghost, Chakras, Meridians, Auras, Scriptures, Prophets, and how they all fit together, i'm sorry, but you're going to be disappointed. I'd be happy to talk about it if you want, but i've seen too many people delve into mind-body/energy medicine and lose the firmness of the Holy Spirit, and lose their path.

My path is to preach the gospel, and that's what i'm going to do! I'm still a big advocate of energy medicine, but i just won't be blogging about it! Sorry!

I'll be leaving up my old mind-body stuff, but the rest of this is going to be dedicated to the finer things testifying of Christ. I'll leave the mind-body stuff to Felice Austin and her blog.

Cheers! And looking forward to sharing scriptural insights, lessons learned, and my testimony of Jesus Christ, the Book of Mormon, the ministry of the Holy Ghost, the divinity of the calling of Joseph Smith, and the divinity of the prophetic mantle held by Thomas Spencer Monson.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

India/Yoga Series!

So i'm having this huge Meditation/Yoga/India download. Yoga has always been an interest of mine. (My mom bought me a beautiful water color of turtles doing yoga when she was visiting Maui with my dad! I have such a great mom!) And i'm really loving studying this, and i'm learning a ton! So in the spirit of giving freely, I wanted to share with all of you what i'm learning, so i've decided that i'm just going to write and post what i'm learning! So you're going to see a new tab here pretty soon that will be used to link all my India posts! I'm excited slash super nervous! I've never undertaken something like this before, so it's kind of a stretch for me, but i think it's a good stretch! (Please tell me you see what i did there.)