Thursday, October 30, 2014

King Benjamin and Thyroid Problems

When we are dealing with a delicate ecosystem, anything removed or added will affect the entire ecosystem for the good or bad of the system; the human soul (DYC 88:15) is one of those delicate ecosystems. 

People often come to my self-mastery classes and set goals that are radical changes from the lives they currently live. Most of the time they don't stick to the goals, and those who do, don't incorporate them into their lives after they graduate from my classes. The people who get the most benefit from my self-mastery classes are the people who take their goals slowly, and incorporate their goals into daily life gently. 

Most people *want* a radical shift in their lives whether that be dietary, or emotional, or physical, most people are unhappy, and want an immediate change. I personally wanted an immediate personal conversion like Alma the younger, or the people of King Benjamin. Unfortunately God doesn't often work that way because we often can't spiritually afford it. Most of the time we have to grow on the slow path, line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. It's the slowest, but often the smartest route, because the changes cement over time, and so if we fall back into a bad habit, we've often come so far, that our failings are what most people consider successes. i.e. "I only prayed once today!" or "I didn't write in my journal on Saturday!"

Here's a video about my friend with a Thyroid problem, and how understanding human life as an ecosystem can help us change our lives less painfully and more gracefully. And if you like it go ahead and share it! :-)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Family: A Proclamation To The World

In LDS General Conference we were invited to record the first vision in our own voice and listen to it over and over again. We were promised that if we obeyed that invitation, it would enable us to get a testimony of the vision of the prophet Joseph Smith! After studying affirmations, and mantras, i've found that they're most powerful if they are in your own voice, so this invitation was right up my alley! (I actually have a recording of me reading my Patriarchal Blessing, and i'll go on walks, and listen to it. It's very special!)

Photo Cred Amber Shaw Photography
My invitation is for us to take a preemptive move in fighting for, and defending the family. I invite all of you to record yourself reading The Family: A Proclamation To The World, and share it on Facebook, or youtube, and to listen to it! We can eliminate subconscious programming by repeating the words of the prophets, and listening to the words of the prophets over and over, and this document is especially powerful.

And in case anyone wants to know this is how i'm memorizing this big document!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Yoga and the Holy Ghost

I. Love. Yoga.

I've said it before, and i'll say it again! But when yoga started having some powerful effects on changing my spiritual/physical/emotional/mental/energetic systems, i got kind of confused. I was convinced that living the Gospel of Jesus Christ would cleanse and change me faster than yoga would, but i wasn't seeing it!  I had felt the guiding hand of the Lord taking me to yoga, but i knew the guiding hand of the Lord because of my religion. Needless to say i was confused and in a mild faith-crisis.

Today i felt like i got an answer! The answer came as i studied how Kundalini Yoga worked, and some inspiration about how the Holy Ghost cleanses our souls. Here's my video kind of explaining what i leaned! The first one cut out, so i'm not sure i said everything i wanted to say. Please let me know if any of this was confusing!

I tried posting the link, but that was annoying. So instead I just uploaded and posted the entire talk! Behold my friends "Unleashing the Dormant Spirit" by Elder F. Enzio Busche. It's a legendary talk. Please enjoy! If you want the audio, i've got that too! I'd be happy to share! Just email me at and i'll send it over!


Monday, October 27, 2014

Angels Among Us

I've been studying the spiritual gift of healing the sick for a while now, and i've seen that it will manifest itself in many different ways. Some people with this gift will become skilled surgeons or physicians, while others will take a more holistic approach to healing.

A few days ago I was crippled by some severe hip pain that seemed to come from nowhere. I could barely move, and was stuck in a chair for several hours! I made a phone call to a gifted friend, (Allie) and after some discussion, my hip pain started to dissolve. While i don't fully understand what she did, i know that she has the gift of healing the sick, and it's manifested itself in a way that most people cannot explain.

As I pondered this experience, i was given an insight: angels are among us.

Angels have divine power at their disposal, and as divine beings having a mortal experience, we too have divine power at our disposal. Perhaps us not living up to this power is what President Uchtdorf meant when he said "We live far below our privileges."

As i pondered this, i was reminded of a a talk that Elder Jeffrey R. Holland gave several years ago, essentially saying that some angels are in heaven, and some are on earth ministering as mortals.

As i pondered and prayed more, i was reminded of one of my favorite scriptures. "There is a law, irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated- And when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated." (DYC 130:18)

To me this means that if angels from heaven will can come perform miracles, they must obey certain laws in order to perform that miracle. Likewise, if man or woman on earth obeys those same laws, then they can pull down those same blessings!

To end i'll just share two things the Prophet Joseph Smith said. "If the sisters should have faith to heal the sick, let all hold their tongues, and let everything roll on." TPJS (pg.224)

Now, as for me healing over a long distance (she's in Washington D.C.), i encourage you to examine Acts 19:11-12, and ponder if God is not still a God of miracles as he said he was.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Become As Little Children

So, i just saw this adorable little girl (3 years old) get jumped on by a dog! It hurt her, and then she was sad, and hurt, and the first thing she did was go to her mom and hug her and cry. Then after a few seconds she felt just fine and stopped crying! I reflected, "Isn't it interesting that the first thing children do when they have an emotional experience is seek love?"

We count 1-2-3 and then squeeeeeeeze!

Studying PNI has taught me that love heals all the emotions, and converts them into love. It's alchemy at it's finest, and it's Christianity at it's finest. As we become as little children, we recognize and honor our feelings, and then seek love which heals and repairs our feelings.


Living in the love of God, if we turn to it, and live in it, and accept it, we won't have emotions that get stuffed and need to be cleared by meditation, or RET, or yoga, or some other clearing tool. It's the true meaning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Love one another. If we love one another, we won't get stuck emotions, we won't get stuck in shame, and we won't have pavilions cover us from God.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I Was Born On A Rollercoaster

If you've been to Disneyland, you may recognize this sign. The ride is iconic. You're in the dark the whole time, you can barely see a thing. It bumps, shakes, dives, turns, and rocks you all over the place. The whole time you're (or someone else) screaming your head off, horrified you're going to lose a limb, or fall out, or something drastic. It can be a scary ride for some! Most of the time people get off, and think "WOW THAT WAS SO FUN!" and run back in line to get back on the ride!

My friend Shelby and I went to breakfast and then went on a hike, and we realized that life in mortality is like being born on Space Mountain! It's dark, we don't know when the ride will end, we can't see super far in front of us (unless someone turns on the lights), there's bumps, and jerks, and twists and turns, and flashing lights, and people screaming, and it can be a bit much at times!

Not remembering what we signed up for, and the bumps ahead can be quite distressing! But here's the good news. We can turn on the lights. Well, God can turn on the lights for us, if we ask him to and if we let him.

You see, before we came to mortality, we agreed to certain bumps, jerks, twists and turns! Neal A Maxwell sums up the ideas of our mortal experiences reflecting our decisions as spirits before earth beautifully. (You can read the talk here)

In some ways, our second estate, in relationship to our first estate, is like agreeing in advance to surgery. Then the anesthetic of forgetfulness settles in upon us. Just as doctors do not de-anesthetize a patient in the midst of authorized surgery to ask him again if the surgery should be continued, so, after divine tutoring, we agreed once to come here and to submit ourselves to certain experiences and have no occasion to revoke that decision.

God has a plan for each and every one of us. An individual plan of salvation, and exaltation. He knows the bumps and bruises we're going to take, because he knows us perfectly. He's seen us grow and interact for billions of aeons! To quote Elder Maxwell again

It does no violence even to our frail human logic to observe that there cannot be a grand plan of salvation for all mankind, unless there is also a plan for each individual. The salvational sum will reflect all its parts. Once the believer acknowledges that the past, present, and future are before God simultaneously—even though we do not understand how—then the doctrine of foreordination may be seen somewhat more clearly. For instance, it was necessary for God to know how the economic difficulties and crop failures of the Joseph Smith, Senior, family in New England would move this special family to Cumorah country where the Book of Mormon plates were buried. God's plans could scarcely have so unfolded if—willy-nilly—the Smiths had been born Manchurians and if, meanwhile, the plates had been buried in Belgium!

By turning to the great physician for the prescription, our bumps and bruises, and broken bones and broken hearts can turn to anchors and pillars of strength and power. As Jesus said “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” (Matt 19:26 ESV)

The Sleeping Giant

So… for the past several years, God has been pointing at, hinting at, nudging me towards, sometimes blaring at me, tugging me, and besmoodgening (I'm following the lead of great men, and making up words) me towards a gift of mine. It's been one i've never really taken the time to develop, but since i've been doing my spiritual work, and cleaning out my closet, it's been coming up more and more.

Well, about a month ago i got some really great direction, ya know, practical "do this" advice, as opposed to the nebulous besmoodgening i was getting. (besmoodgen: /bēsmo͞ojen/ a gentle prod repeated over and over.)

I followed the "to-do" and had a great sense of satisfaction! I can feel myself moving in this really great direction. I'm not ready to unveil what said target is, because in part, i'm not sure exactly where it will take me.

Well! As of today, i started something that i'm really excited about, and i can feel the sleeping giant inside me waking up. He's coming to the surface, and he's going to rock my world. I know i'll be sharing him with my friends, and family, so you'll no doubt see him! Until then, i'll appreciate all your prayers, and well wishes!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Make God Your Best Friend And Your Wildest Dreams Will Come True

You know those touristy places that sell dream catchers, post-cards, snow-globes and bags of polished rocks? Well, when i was a kid, i was obsessed with those polished stones. I loved them! I contemplated getting a gem polisher, and even attempted to have a rock collection. I dreamt of having a huge Amethyst cathedral in my home, and having big crystals all over my house! I didn't know why i liked them, i just knew that i did!

As i grew older i stopped digging for fossils in my backyard, and i stopped trying to find diamonds or amethyst in the gravel around my church building. I realized that to find those stones that i was so thrilled about it took more mental, emotional and physical resources than i, as a 9 year old, had at my disposal.

As i was leaving my mission in the OTM (Oklahoma Tulsa Mission), my mission president told me something i'd never forget. "Get as much education and training in the areas where you have talents, interests, and passions. God has implanted those desires in you, and He will use them to build his kingdom." So i started my journey to returning to myself! (You can read Part 1, or Part 2.)

Well recently, and my recently i mean in the last 3 years, i re-read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, and had an epiphany! I realized that as a child, i had come to earth with innate desires, interests, passions, and skills unique to me, that i brought with me from the Celestial Kingdom. I don't know if major tantrum throwing was one of them, but i did have a desire to help people, and i was drawn in unexplained ways to things quite outside of my family/cultural strata. (For example when i was 9 i insisted that my mom buy me the yoga mat i found at Ross, and then insisted that she buy me the dvd Yoga For Inflexible People, which i used religiously for several months, and then resurrected every time i'd have a yoga kick.)

So, as of the last 3 years, i've been trying to "become as a little child" again. Freely exploring the world around me, enjoying the things i enjoyed as a child, but now equipped with the knowledge of good and evil. As a child, my naiveté led me into some interesting, dark, and downright evil experiences. But that's what life was all about! So now i've been on a mission to recapture the child, while maintaining the wisdom of my 24 years of mistakes and successes.

It's been an awesome road, and i've discovered that i can enjoy my life by starting to live the life i wanted as a kid, right now! I decided that I was going to listen to broadway musicals and take voice lessons instead of forcing myself to enjoy playing the cello and contemplating Saint-Saens, or Elgar! And i've loved it! It's seemed that the entire world has been conspiring for my good.

So here's what i'm really getting to! Today, I just found out that a new friend of mine happens to be a wholesale rock distributor. She sells giant hunks of geological magic to those touristy spots i talked about! And she's selling them to me for wholesale prices! CHA-CHING!

So what I learned is the lesson that Nephi learned, if you make God your best friend, he'll make all your dreams come true! Because in the process of becoming best friends with God, we become purified, and we change, and all that's left is righteous desire! Then, we are blessed as Nephi of old to have all things granted to us according to our desires! (See Helaman 10, and 2 Nephi 4)

Long story short, i'm glad i've decided to make God my best friend. And i think he's glad i decided to do that too! I know he'll be glad if you decide to, and if you have, i know he'll be delighted if you help others do the same! Do you have any stories of this happening? Email them to me at or leaven them in the comments! 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Cellular Memory Storage

Today i woke up to being taught about cells, memory, molecules, light, and computers. I felt impressed to share, so i hope and pray to God that this comes out the way he intended it, and that i get out of the way.

Cells carry memories just like computers! Cells are programmed with light that has been embedded with a message, just like a computer chip is programmed with an encoded signal. The phrase from the 2008 LDS General Conference "Today scientists even describe light as a 'carrier' or 'messenger'" was going through my mind the whole time i was downloading this information. (You can find that talk here.)

Our bodies as divine instruments animated by spirits, i.e. beings of light, have the capacity to encode light with a message, and send that light to a molecule. (Candace Pert PhD calls these molecules the "Molecules of Emotion") That molecule then becomes like the computer chip, embedded with memories, or emotions, or visual flashes, all transmitted through light.

We've moved far beyond binary as "off and on". With light as information transfer, or fiber optics, we can change the quality, color, or brightness, and use that as a code for transferring information. Our bodies, as gifts from the highest and holiest God, are greater than anything we can develop.

It is my hope that you will pray about, and embrace cellular memories. What this information means to me is that God is light, God is truth, and our bodies need to be sanctified by God's light, and we get that because of Christ's Atonement. There is not one molecule of our bodies that needs to hang on to bitterness, or resentment. If we come unto God, every fiber (cell, or molecule) of our being can and will be cleansed by Him who is light, the light of the world.

As always, comments are encouraged and appreciated! Have you had an experience with cellular memory?

Also, if you'd like more information about cellular memory, you can read Molecules of Emotion by Candace Pert PhD. For more information about light as a form of information transfer take a look at DYC 88, the talk i mentioned earlier, or this TED Talk.